Grand Tuhon Nene Tortal's Family System

Dekiti Tirsia Siradas

Kali Fighter

Welcome to Grand Tuhon Nene Tortal's Family System - Dekiti Tirsia Siradas Website!

Grand Tuhon Nene Tortal Grand Tuhon Nene Tortal has a vision of uniting all of his students in the United States under one banner. This website is dedicated to making that vision a reality. Please join him in making his family style live on for many more years to come.

More updates will be posted on a fairly regular basis. Patrick & Marie Kennedy of Kennedy's Martial Arts Academy located in Elk Grove Village, Illinois have generously shared some photos and videos from their time training with Grand Tuhon Nene Tortal. Thank you both for your generosity. We hope more people will step forward and share their photos and video clips.